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Academic Policies

The following information on academic policies and procedures is provided to assist students in attaining their academic goals as effectively as possible.

Students should seek the advice of a counselor or faculty advisor if they have questions about the regulations and procedures stated in this web site or any other section of the College catalog.

Since excessive absences or tardiness may affect the quality of a student's academic performance, the College expects all students to attend classes regularly. Faculty members may determine their own policies regarding irregular class attendance. Students should be aware that non‑attendance at classes will not result in automatic withdrawal from a course. Unless the student initiates a formal course withdrawal request through the Registrar's Office, non‑attendance will result in a "ZF" grade.

Students must complete all assignments, examinations and other requirements in all of their courses. Absence does not constitute exemption from such obligations, and it is the student's responsibility to take the initiative to make up any work missed. Students must be aware, however, that the opportunity to make up an examination is not a student right, rather it is a privilege granted under special circumstances. Make-up examinations must be offered for absences due to religious observances, hazardous weather conditions, verifiable medical reasons or field trips that are related to an academic program. In the case of academic field trips, students should inform their instructors prior to the trip so that arrangements to submit work or to schedule a make-up exam can be made. In all other cases, faculty members are free to determine their own policies regarding make‑up examinations. Students must be informed, in writing, at the beginning of each semester of the make‑up examination policy for each course.

Absences Due to Inclement Weather

On days when the College remains open during inclement weather, students should make their own determination whether to attempt to travel to class based on the safety of road conditions in their own locale. Students will not be penalized for missing class under this circumstance, although students are responsible for the work missed and are expected to make it up in a reasonable time as determined by the instructor.

Absences Due to Religious Beliefs

Any student at the College who is unable, because of his or her religious beliefs, to attend classes on a particular day or days will be excused from any examination or any study or work requirements. College faculty will provide an equivalent opportunity for the student to make up any work that he or she may have missed because of such absence. (Section 224, New York State Education Law)

As an expression of its commitment to academic excellence, the College recognizes superior scholarship by its students in several ways.

President's List: Students who distinguish themselves by earning a QPA/CPA of 3.75 or better, with no grade below C, based on a minimum of 12 academic or degree credits, in the semester or semesters under consideration, are named to the President's List.

Part-time students who achieve a QPA/CPA of 3.75 or higher for each full-time equivalent semester of study completed shall be placed on the President's List. A full-time equivalent semester is defined as the completion of twelve credit hours of study.

Dean's List: Students who distinguish themselves by earning a QPA/CPA of 3.2 to 3.74, with no grade below C, based on a minimum of 12 academic or degree credits of work, in the semester or semesters under consideration, are named to the Dean's List.

Part-time students who achieve a QPA/CPA of 3.32 to 3.74 or higher for each full-time equivalent semester of study completed shall be placed on the Dean's list. A full-time equivalent semester is defined as the completion of twelve credit hours of study.

Academic Citation: A notation is made on the transcript for students who earn a QPA/CPA of 3.0 to 3.19 based on a minimum of 12 academic or degree credits of work, in the semester or semesters under consideration.

Part-time students who achieve a QPA/CPA of 3.00 to 3.19 or higher for each full-time equivalent semester of study completed shall have a notation on the transcript. A full-time equivalent semester is defined as the completion of 12 credit hours of study.

Honors Courses: Honors courses challenge liberal arts students through interdisciplinary study. These courses introduce students to all aspects of the college experience including library research, academic advisement, extra curricular opportunities and transfer possibilities. Students who have taken Honors courses in the past have transferred to a variety of quality colleges including Colgate University, Cornell University, New York University, Vassar College and Williams College as well as to SUNY's most competitive four‑year campuses. Students are selected for the Honors Studies on the basis of high school achievement, standardized test scores, and an individual interview. Honors courses are open to qualified full-time and part-time students.

Phi Theta Kappa: This is an international honor society established to recognize and encourage scholarship and service among two‑year college students. Phi Theta Kappa provides opportunities for the development of leadership, service and academic excellence. Many four‑year colleges have set aside scholarships for community college transfer students who are Phi Theta Kappa members. Students are invited to become members of the DCC Alpha Psi Kappa chapter of this honor society if they have a 3.5 CPA or a total of 12 hours of college‑level work completed at the community college and maintain a 3.2 CPA throughout their community college career.

Alpha Beta Gamma: This is an international business honor society established in 1970 to recognize and to encourage scholarship among two‑year college students in business curricula. The organization reserves more than $500,000 in scholarships for initiated members of Alpha Beta Gamma who transfer to four‑year colleges and universities. To be eligible for membership in the Delta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Beta Gamma at the College, a student must be enrolled in a business curriculum and have completed 15 credit hours with at least 12 hours of work taken in courses leading to a business degree recognized by the College. In addition, the student must have demonstrated academic excellence by attaining a 3.5 CPA in business courses as well as a 3.5 overall CPA.

All members of the College community are assured the right to work in an environment of academic integrity. This is especially crucial in an academic community that seeks to evaluate students fairly on their own merits. Consequently, the College will rigorously uphold academic integrity, and violations of the policy will be addressed.

At the beginning of every semester, each faculty member must inform students, in writing, of specific expectations and practices for each course. Academic dishonesty is considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Serious incidents will be referred to the Office of Advocacy and Accountability and may result in dismissal from the College or other disciplinary action. Decisions of a faculty member concerning incidents of unethical behavior may be appealed to the department chair for the course, then to an appeal committee, and finally to the vice president for instruction and learning.

Violations to the Academic Integrity Policy, from cheating to unauthorized duplication of computer software, are listed.

Students are expected to maintain high ethical standards in their academic work. This means they shall neither give nor receive assistance during quizzes or examinations and shall present only their own work for graded assignments.

Students are considered "in good academic standing" if they are making satisfactory progress toward completion of a certificate or degree, and have met the required cumulative grade point average for the number of credits that they have attempted.

Students may register to audit courses on a space‐available basis beginning with the first day of classes each term. The approval of the Registrar and instructor are required for an audit status. Payment is the same as for students taking the course for credit. Students may not change from audit status to credit status or from credit status to audit status after the third week of the semester.

Senior citizens, 60 years of age or older, may audit college credit courses on a space‐available basis. There is no auditing charge for senior citizens. Senior citizens are only permitted to Audit during the spring and fall semesters.


Students may change their curriculum if they feel their abilities and interests are better suited to another program of study. When considering a curriculum change, the student should explore the possibilities and realities of the new program with his/her academic advisor. Length of time needed to complete degree requirements, prerequisites, and suitability of a new curriculum can be discussed at this time. A student may be referred to the chairperson of the curriculum in which the student is interested for additional information. In changing curriculum, a student should understand that no credit will be granted for courses previously taken that do not apply to the new program.

Eligibility for TAP awards for students changing academic programs will be based on the student's CPA and accrued credits in the old curriculum prior to the effective date of the program change. Change of majors for the current semester must be submitted during the first three weeks of the semester in order for it to be reflected for the current semester. After the first three weeks the change of major will be changed for the following semester.

Students attending a SUNY four-year institution or community college may be permitted to take courses at other SUNY four-year institutions or community colleges without incurring additional tuition charges. Students can apply for cross registration by filling out the online application.


Home Institution: SUNY institution where the student is enrolled full-time in a degree or certificate program.

Host Institution: SUNY institution that agrees to allow the student to enroll in coursework while still pursuing a degree or certification program at the home institution.


Students must be a matriculated undergraduate, and be attending full or part-time at their home institution. Students are limited to six credits of undergraduate cross-registered coursework. Cross-registered courses must be applicable toward degree or certificate requirements. If DCC is the home institution the cross registration will only be approved if the options available at DCC impede on the students time to degree completion.

Students cross-registering at a community college are required to provide a certificate of residence to the institution. Students registering through a SUNY Cross-Registration agreement are not charged tuition at the host institution, but may be liable for course-related fees.

Dutchess Community College is authorized by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York to award the following degrees and certificates:

Associate in Arts (A.A.)

Programs that lead to this degree are designed for those students who plan to receive a baccalaureate degree from a senior college or university. The A.A. degree may be completed in two years and consists primarily of courses in the liberal arts and sciences, special liberal arts and science courses related to the student's major field of interest and electives.

Associate in Science (A.S.)

These programs are designed primarily to prepare students to continue their education for the baccalaureate degree in scientific or professionally related programs at a senior college or university. The A.S. degree may be completed in two years and consists of a core of liberal arts and science courses, additional required special courses related to the student's field of interest and electives.

Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.)

These programs may be completed in two years and prepare their graduates for immediate employment in specific occupations or careers. Many graduates, however, do transfer some or all of their credits toward more advanced study at a senior college or university. The A.A.S. degree consists of a basic core of liberal arts and science courses, special courses related to a specific career area and electives.

Associate in Occupational Science (A.O.S.)

Like the Associate in Applied Science, these programs may be completed in two years and prepare their graduates for immediate employment in specific occupations or careers. The A.O.S. degree consists primarily of special courses related to a specific career area.

Honors Studies

DCC currently offers the option for qualified student to enroll in one Minor: the Minor in Honors Studies. A Minor is a set of supplemental requirements designed for students who wish to complement and enrich their respective major curricula. Minors are designed to be broad and complementary, and do not constitute scaled-down versions of active degree programs. Students must be matriculated in a degree program in order to declare a Minor. See specific details on the Minor in Honors Studies.

Certificate Programs

DCC offers two types of credit certificate programs: an academic certificate and an applied academic certificate.

The Academic Certificate includes career‑oriented courses and at least nine credits of liberal arts courses.

The Applied Academic Certificate includes career‑oriented or technical courses and at least one liberal arts course, ENG 101. Certificates may be of varying length. However, it is expected that the majority of certificate programs can be completed in one calendar year. Courses in certificate programs are applicable to associate degree programs at Dutchess Community College.

Applied Academic Credential (Microcredential)

A Microcredential is a targeted credential that is smaller than a certificate. Students do not need to be matriculated to enroll in the courses to earn a Microcredential, and can complete the credential on a flexible schedule. Any Microcredentials that you earn at DCC will appear on your official DCC transcript, and you will also earn a "Digital Badge" that will allow you to share your achievement with potential employers on professional networking sites. A Microcredential is a targeted credential that is smaller than a certificate. Students do not need to be matriculated to enroll in the courses to earn a Microcredential, and can complete the credential on a flexible schedule. Any Microcredentials that you earn at DCC will appear on your official DCC transcript, and you will also earn a "Digital Badge" that will allow you to share your achievement with potential employers on professional networking sites. Get more information here on the Microcredentials currently offered at DCC.

Online Learning

Each semester, the College offers numerous online and hybrid courses in a variety of disciplines. In online courses, communication with the professor and the other students occurs electronically and assignments, papers and tests are done from your computer. The quality of teaching and expectations for learning are the same whether the course is taken online or on campus. Students should be aware that success in online learning requires organization, self-discipline and good time management skills.

DCC's online courses are offered through OpenSUNY. All students who register for an online or hybrid course for the first time at DCC are required to complete the Online/Hybrid Student Orientation before their class begins. The orientation will introduce students to online learning and covers basic Blackboard skills for submitting online work. This orientation can be found on the My Courses page in myDCC shortly after a student registers for an online class.

Students who have not enrolled in credit classes at DCC for a minimum of three consecutive years, and who have Ds and Fs on their transcript, may apply for the Fresh Start Rule. All grades of D and F will be made non‑applicable on the student's transcript. The rule can be used only once and cannot be applied if a student has already graduated. Students are expected to apply prior to completing their first semester returning in order to be eligible. All other requirements for graduation remain in effect. Students apply through the Registrar's Office. If approved, the Fresh Start will not be reflected on the student's transcript until 3 weeks into the returning semester.


1. Informal Appeal Process

If a student wishes to discuss a grade that he/she has received for a test, an assignment or the final grade in a course, the initial step is for the student to meet with the instructor to resolve the concern in an informal manner. 

2. Formal Appeal Process

Introduction: It is the responsibility of Dutchess Community College faculty members to establish clear grading policies and standards for academic performance in their courses. These policies must be stated in writing. Individual approaches to grading are valid, and as long as faculty members evaluate student work fairly and consistently. There should be no need for students to challenge their grading.

The formal appeal of a grade for a test or assignment must begin within thirty calendar days of the receipt of the grade. If the appeal is related to the grade for a course, the process is similar to that for an assignment or test grade, except that the student has until the end of the second week of the following semester to begin the process.

Grounds for Formal Appeal: Students may appeal grades in DCC courses on the following grounds, provided that they have evidence, or believe that evidence exists, to support their claims: 

A. Failure by the instructor to explain clearly the method by which grades in the course would be determined.

B. Assignment of a course grade by substantial departure from the announced method.

C. Capricious or prejudiced grading.

Step 1

To initiate a formal appeal, the student must obtain a Grade Appeal Form from the academic department secretary, the Office of Student Services, or the Office of Instruction & Learning. Complete the first portion of the Grade Appeal Form and submit it to the instructor and request a meeting. This meeting should normally take place within fourteen days of the instructor's receipt of the Grade Appeal Form. If the student goes first to the Dean, Academic Department Head, or Departmental Supervisor, that person should refer the student to the instructor as the first step in this process. Under extraordinary circumstances, the Department Head may choose to waive the first step and proceed to set up a meeting with the student and the instructor as outlined in Step Two.

Step 2

If the meeting with the instructor does not result in a solution satisfactory to the student, the student has fourteen calendar days to appeal to the Department Head.

The Department Head will review the Grade Appeal Form and attached materials, and meet with the student and the instructor to discuss the matter. The Department Head will report his/her decision and rationale in writing to both the student and the instructor within fourteen calendar days of meeting with the student and the instructor.

Step 3

If the decision of the Department Head does not result in a satisfactory resolution, the student or instructor may submit, within fourteen days of receiving the decision of the Department Head, the Grade Appeal Form to the VP for Instruction & Learning, as an appeal to an Academic Review Committee. The Committee, consisting of three members, will be chaired by an Associate Dean of Instruction & Learning, appointed by the VP for Instruction & Learning. The Associate Dean will choose the two additional members of the committee from the faculty on the Committee on Student Learning & Assessment. The faculty selected for the committee will be from outside the academic department with which the appeal is concerned.

The Academic Review Committee will meet and consider all the documentation provided by the Department Head, the student and the instructor. Both the student and the instructor will be given an opportunity to appear before the Academic Review Committee. The Committee will report its decision and rationale in writing to the student, the Department Head, and the instructor normally within fourteen calendar days of the Committee meeting. A copy of the Academic Review Committee's decision and rationale will also be sent to the VP for Instruction & Learning.

Step 4

If the student or instructor does not accept the decision of the Committee, that decision may be appealed to the VP for Instruction & Learning within fourteen days for final review. The VP for Instruction & Learning, with full access to all documentation from previous levels of appeal, and any additional conferences with involved parties, will be the final College arbiter of the appeal. The VP for Instruction & Learning's decision will normally be made within fourteen calendar days of the date on which the appeal was received from the student or instructor.

The VP for Instruction & Learning will report his/her decision and rationale in writing to the student, the Department Head, the instructor, and the members of the Academic Review Committee.

NOTE:The timetable noted above assumes no interruptions in the regular college calendar, such as semester or spring breaks, which would alter the timetable. For an appeal of a grade for a spring semester course, the "following semester" is defined as the following fall semester.

The overall quality of a student's work for a semester is measured by current term GPA, while the quality of all the work a student has done at the College through one or more semesters is indicated by cumulative GPA or CPA. The student's term GPA is determined in the following manner:

Using quality points for each grade as defined in the Grading System section, multiply the number of quality points equivalent to the letter grade received in each course by the number of credit hours for the course to get total quality points received for the course. Divide the sum of the quality points received in all courses by the total number of credit hours. Round to the nearest hundredth. The quotient represents the student's current term GPA for the semester.

The student's cumulative GPA is determined in the same way, except that it includes all credit work completed at the College. In the event a course is repeated, the highest grade and quality points are used in the computation of the cumulative GPA.

Matriculation is the process by which a student becomes an official candidate for a degree or certificate at the College. Full-time students become matriculated through the initial registration process. Part-time students are not automatically matriculated, but are eligible to apply for matriculation after enrolling in one or more credit courses and submitting the Application for Admission. Part-time students are encouraged to matriculate to declare intent to complete the degree requirements as of the time of matriculation.

Student status is defined as follows:

Full-Time Student:  A student enrolled for twelve or more credit hours during a semester.

Part-Time Student:  A student enrolled in fewer than twelve credit hours during a semester.

Although the College reserves the right to modify courses or programs where appropriate, matriculated students in that circumstance will have an opportunity to use the waiver process to apply equivalent courses toward the completion of the degree or certificate. See also: Waiver of Program Requirement.

This policy applies to all credit-bearing distance education courses or programs offered by Dutchess Community College, beginning with the application for admission and continuing through to a student’s graduation, transfer, or withdrawal from study.  The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Dutchess Community College operates in compliance with the provisions of the United States Federal Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) concerning the verification of student identity in distance education.

The HEOA requires that institutions offering distance education or correspondence courses or programs have processes in place to ensure that the student registering for a course is the same student who participates in the course or receives course credit.  The Act requires that institutions use one of the following three methods:

  • A secure login and pass code;
  • Proctored examinations; and
  • New or other technologies and practices that are effective in verifying student identification.
Identity Verification

The verification of a student's identity begins at the time of admission or initial course registration. Procedures related to student identity verification include registration, advising and transcript procedures as well as generation of a unique Banner ID for each student. When a student is initially registered, a unique login and password is created that provides access to the secure college intranet (myDCC) and that information is mailed to the student. If a student does not receive or misplaces this information, they are required to bring photo identification to the Registrar's Office or the IT Help Desk. Student access to the course management system is through myDCC and requires the use of this login and password. Data transmission of login information is secured using standard encryption technology. Students are given information regarding best practices related to setting up and maintaining the security of the passwords on the myDCC login screen.

When a student first logs in, they are prompted to set up security questions that allow them to retrieve their password if they forget it. Student who cannot retrieve their password electronically may contact the DCC Help Desk for assistance. Personally identifiable information collected by the College may be used, at the discretion of the institution, as the basis for identity verification. For instance, a student requesting that their myDCC login password be reset may be asked to provide two or more pieces of information for comparison with data in our records.

The Brightspace Learning Management System is used at DCC for the delivery of distance education courses. Authentication to this system is through a single sign-on connection to myDCC and the DCC authentication servers.

As technology and personal accountability are not absolute in determining a student’s identity, faculty members are encouraged to use these technologies and to design courses that use assignments and evaluations that support academic integrity.

FERPA Compliance

Dutchess Community College complies fully with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. 1232g. This act protects the privacy of student information in distance education by requiring, with certain limited exceptions, that the student's consent must be obtained before disclosing any personally identifiable information in the student's education records. Additional information on FERPA and student record access can be found here.

Proctored Examinations: In the event that an exam for a distance course must be proctored, the instructor is required to make arrangements in advance with students. These arrangements must include advance notification of any fees associated with proctoring.

Student Responsibility

The Student Code of Conduct specifically prohibits all forms of cheating, plagiarism and academic dishonesty. The policy also proscribes any misuse of college computer resources such as to "knowingly gain access to or use DCC computing or internal or external communications facilities to which legitimate authorization has not been granted".

Students are responsible for maintaining the security of usernames, passwords and any other access credentials assigned to them. This information may not be shared or given to anyone other than the person to whom they were assigned. Users are responsible for any and all use of their account. DCC recommends that all users change their password when necessary to maintain security. Users are held responsible for knowledge of the information contained within the most recent DCC catalog as well as the DCC Student Handbook. Failure to read and comply with College guidelines, requirements and regulations will not exempt users from responsibility.

Policy Review: The Office of Instruction & Learning and the Teaching Learning Center are jointly responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy and to ensure that faculty, staff, and students are informed of any changes in the policy in a timely fashion.

DCC recognizes that some members of our college community wish to use a first name other than a legal first name to identify themselves. As long as the use of this different first name is not for the purpose of misrepresentation, the college will utilize the Preferred First Name for Blackboard, Starfish, Degree Works, your college email address and your student ID card. 

Your legal first name will appear on all other College records and documents. A student’s legal name will remain unchanged in all other College related systems. For more information email

Development to accommodate use of a preferred name in College systems is ongoing. Not all College information systems, databases, and processes may be able to display a preferred name and many uses of an individual’s name require display of the legal name; therefore, individuals who utilize a preferred name should always be prepared to reference their legal name and provide corresponding identification when necessary. A preferred name designation is not a legal name change.


Prerequisites are intended to ensure that a student has sufficient preparation before advancing to the next course in a sequence. Prerequisites, where stated, must be met before enrollment will be permitted.

Readmission to Dutchess Community College is necessary for students who have not been in attendance according to the criteria below and were previously matriculated (degree-seeking) and wish to re-enter as a degree-seeking student. In order to be readmitted students must officially apply for readmission. Readmitted students are matriculated under the catalog term of their returning semester and are required to meet degree and program requirements in place at the time of readmission. Official transcripts from each college attended since leaving DCC should be submitted for review if applicable.

Readmission is required for students who meet any of the following criteria:

  • You previously applied and were accepted to DCC but never attended.
  • You were accepted to DCC and attended, but since had a break of two or more consecutive semesters in your enrollment (excluding summer and winter terms).
  • You were academically dismissed from the College and lost your matriculation status.
  • You were non-academically dismissed from the College and lost your matriculation status.
  • You have graduated from DCC and are looking to return to pursue a second degree.

You may apply for readmission using the online form


Students who are academically dismissed lose their matriculated status. They may appeal the dismissal through the Office of the Dean of Student Services. If the appeal is successful, the student is rematriculated and may resume full-time or part-time matriculated study.

If the dismissal is upheld, the student must meet one of three conditions in order to rematriculate: 1) Participate in a student success workshop and work with an assigned advisor/counselor; 2) Register for part-time studies for the next semester on a non-matriculated basis. If the student receives grades of C or better in six credits or more, he/she may then return to full-time or part-time matriculated study in the following semester; or 3) Register on a non-matriculated basis or remain non-enrolled for two semesters. The student may then reapply for full-time study (or part-time matriculated study) without meeting special conditions.

Dismissed students who have met the conditions for rematriculation must apply for rematriculation. Application for rematriculation should be initiated in the Office of Admissions. In all cases, the conditions specified to be rematriculated must have been satisfied or be in the process of being met at the time of application.

Students who are dismissed from either full- or part-time status and lose their matriculation are not eligible for financial aid from either federal or New York state sources.

If a student's dismissal is successfully appealed, her or his financial aid may still be in jeopardy due to a lack of satisfactory academic progress.

Students receiving a "F" in a course or failing to achieve the required grade for enrolling in the next course in sequence may repeat the course in question once. However, they may not repeat it again without written permission from the head of the department responsible for the course.

Reverse transfer is for students who have already transferred to a SUNY four-year institution without having earned an associate degree at Dutchess Community College. Reverse transfer allows students to transfer the credits they have earned at the SUNY four-year institution back to Dutchess, and have those credits evaluated to determine if the combination of credits earned at DCC and the credits earned at the four-year institution meet the requirements for an associate degree. 


Students who feel that they will gain significant educational or career advantage by earning more than one associate degree from DCC may pursue study toward another degree with the written approval of the registrar. In order to qualify for the second degree, a student must complete at least 15 applicable credits beyond those used to satisfy requirements for the first degree. Nine of the 15 credits must be specifically required in the second curriculum.

Students who wish to qualify for the degrees simultaneously should request approval as soon as they are aware of their plans to earn two degrees. Those who already have received one degree should seek approval prior to matriculating in the second degree program. Interested students should contact their Academic Coach in the ACT Center.

The Service Learning Program at Dutchess Community College facilitates student academic learning through meaningful service experiences, which encourage and enable DCC's faculty and students to positively impact the community. The Service Learning Program seeks to bring campus and community together in partnership to share resources, meet real community needs, and help educate individuals to become the change agents of tomorrow. Almost every student at the College will have an opportunity to participate in a service learning project.

Service learning is an educational experience integrating community service within an academic class to enhance learning and address critical community needs. Service learning emphasizes hands-on experiences that address real-world concerns. The service experience provides a context for testing, observing, or trying out discipline-based theories, concepts or skills. Students gain knowledge that's directly connected to the student learning outcomes of the service learning course being taken. Likewise, the academic context enriches the service experience by raising questions about real-world concerns and providing a forum for probing these concerns in-depth. Most service learning work is done with non-profit organizations, community groups, and governmental agencies whose goal is to serve the public good. For more information call (845) 431-8969.

Special studies projects provide students the opportunity to earn academic credit by participating in independent study, group research, seminars, community service, work experience, and other educational activities under the supervision of a faculty member. Special study projects normally are available only to matriculated students who have completed 30 or more credits, applicable to their degree, at Dutchess Community College. Students may not earn more than six credits from special studies courses. Before registering for a special studies project, the student must develop a project with a faculty member who volunteers to serve as the student's mentor and the project must be approved by the head of the sponsoring department. Students should consult their academic coach for further information.

The experience of studying abroad can be a rewarding and exciting addition to a student's academic career. "Study Abroad with SUNY – Study the World" provides opportunities through a number of SUNY campuses. Through our affiliation with the College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS), Dutchess Community College offers a choice of study abroad programs in 31 countries. Recently students have taken advantage of this option to study in Spain, Italy, Russia, Scotland and New Zealand. Questions or inquiries should be directed to the Dean of Student Services Office at (845) 431-8970.

Credit and non-credit courses – day, evening and online – are offered each summer. Summer term is designed to provide students with an opportunity to catch up or get ahead on coursework. The maximum credits allowed for during the summer term is 14 for degree-seeking and 11 for non-degree seeking students. Students are not permitted to take more than 7 credits during any one summer session. Information on course offerings and registration procedures is available in the spring.

Official transcripts may be ordered online from our service provider, Parchment. You will be able to choose whether to have the transcript sent electronically immediately (to a participating institution), or sent through the mail within 7 days. The cost of each transcript is payable by credit card.

It is expected that a student will complete all the requirements of his/her curriculum. Under exceptional circumstances, certain requirements may be waived. New York State Education Department regulations, such as the minimum number of credits required for graduation and the required number of liberal arts and science credits, may not be waived. It should be noted that waivers are never automatic. Examples of when a requirement may be waived include: when a course scheduling problem has made it impossible for a student to meet a graduation requirement, or when a student needs to meet a specific requirement of a four‑year college to which the student intends to transfer.

When a required course is waived, a course of an equal or a greater number of credits must be substituted. A Waiver or Modification of Curriculum form must be approved before the student enrolls in a substitute course. The approval process is initiated by the department chair, program chair or academic coach, reviewed by the appropriate academic department, and finally acted upon by the dean of instruction and learning. It is then sent to the Registrar's Office to be updated in the student's Degree Works Audit.

See information about withdrawal policies.


A series of accelerated online two- and three-credit courses are available over winter break. Payment in full is required one week before the beginning of class. Financial aid cannot be used. Apply online through myDCC or visit the ACT center. During the Winter Session students can take a maximum of three credits.

Grading System

The following grading system is used at Dutchess Community College:

Grade Quality Grade Points Numerical Equivalent
A Excellent 4.00 93-100
A-   3.67 90-92
B+   3.33 87-89
B Good/Above Average 3.00 83-86
B-   2.67 80-82
C+   2.33 77-79
C Satisfactory/Average 2.00 70-76
D Acceptable as an individual course grade. If received in a prerequisite course, the student may not qualify for the next course in sequence. "D" grades do not typically transfer to other institutions. 1.00 60-69
F Failing 0.00 0-59
ZF Failure due to never or stopped showing up 0.00  
I Incomplete, a temporary grade given in cases where students have not completed course requirements due to reasons beyond their control. The course requirements must be completed and a grade submitted within the first four weeks of the following semester (fall or spring) or the "I" automatically becomes an "F"    
J Proficiency, a grade that meets graduation requirements, earned by examination or life experience. To earn credit by proficiency, a student must perform at the level of C or better.    
P Passing (given only as a midterm grade with permission of the dean of instruction and learning)    
U Audit (No Credit)    
W Withdrawn    
WA Administrative Withdrawal    
WS Student Conduct Withdrawal    

No grade change will be processed for any student later than one year after he/she has completed the course.
# This indicator is used to designate a grade in a developmental course. Any grade followed by a # is not calculated into the student's grade point average.

Graduation Requirements

All candidates for degrees and certificates from Dutchess Community College are required to:

  • 1. Fulfill all the requirements of the approved and registered program for which the student is registered.
  • 2. Successfully complete the minimum number of credits required in the program.
  • 3. Complete, at Dutchess, at least 24 hours of the course work offered for credits toward a degree.
  • 4. Have a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 or better.
  • 5. Be certified for graduation by the Registrar or his/her designee.
  • 6. Apply for graduation by meeting with an Academic Coach and paying the graduation application fee and then submitting the graduation application to the Registrar's Office.
  • 7. Have paid or satisfactorily adjusted all College fees and met all other obligations.

After graduation, a student may continue to study at Dutchess on a non‑matriculated basis or matriculate in a second degree or certificate program. In order to matriculate in a second degree program a student must re-admit to the college. The re-admission application can be obtained in the Admission's Office.

Probation & Dismissal

A student "in good academic standing" is eligible to matriculate and may register for academic course work for the term in question. Students whose academic performance falls below the standards normally required by the College may either be placed on probation or dismissal by the Registrar. Probation is a status assigned to those students showing reasonable promise of improving their performance. Students are dismissed when they fail to demonstrate the ability and interest required for successful completion of a given program (as indicated below). Dismissal will reduce a student's academic courseload to part time status.

Academic probation, which may include constraints upon a student's activities, is intended as an educational device to encourage greater effort on the part of students who appear to be having difficulty in meeting certain academic standards. Placement on academic probation may include denial of the right to register for academic course work unless certain conditions are met. Full‑time students on academic probation will be given a credit restriction of 14 credits max.

The following guidelines are used to determine the status of matriculated students:

Credits Attempted Probation** CPA Dismissal*** CPA
0-18* lower than 1.50 lower than 1.00
19-36 lower than 1.75 lower than 1.40
37-54 lower than 1.90 lower than 1.70
more than 54 lower than 2.00

lower than 1.90

*Applies to part-time students once they have attempted 12 credits.

**Full-time students on probation will generally be limited to 14 credits.

***Student must complete six credits with C or better to be reinstated to full-time status.

Withdrawal From College or Courses

Students who withdraw from either the College or a particular course must initiate such action in the ACT Center. Failure to attend class or providing informal notification to instructors will not be considered official notice of withdrawal.

Withdrawal Timeline

  • Withdrawals initiated during the first three weeks of the semester (or its equivalent for shorter parts of term) result in deletion of the course(s) from the record.
  • A student who officially withdraws from a course(s) between the 4th week and the end of the 11th week of the semester (or its equivalent for shorter parts of term) will receive a grade of "W".
  • If the student has not withdrawn by the end of the 11th week or its equivalent, the student will receive the grade that they earned in the course. Please refer to the Academic and/or the Credit Class Student Calendar for withdrawal deadlines.
  • If a student never attends all courses and does not withdraw, the college will administratively withdraw them with full tuition liability.

Withdrawal Appeal

If a student feels they have an extenuating circumstance which justifies an exception to the DCC withdrawal policy, they may appeal to the Withdrawal Appeal Committee.

  • The appeal process is limited to enrolled courses taken within eighteen (18) months of the start of the current semester.
  • All requests must be submitted in writing to the Withdrawal Appeal Committee and must include supporting documentation (please see the table below).
  • The Committee cannot change grades for completed courses.
  • Appeals are limited to all, not some, courses within a semester unless it can be documented that the issue is directly related to only the select course(s) being disputed.
  • Appeals received without the proper supporting documentation (see below) will not be reviewed.
  • Appeals must be made by the student. Appeals made on behalf of a student will not be reviewed.
  • Appeals are limited to tuition and fee charges only. Residential students who leave housing before the end of the semester are not entitled to a refund through the Withdrawal Appeal process and are financially responsible for the entirety of their housing and dining bill, according to the housing contract.
  • Appeals are limited to one per student throughout the entirety of their time at DCC.
  • The Committee's decisions are final and are not subject to further appeal.
Criteria for Appeals Supporting Documentation
Death in the student's immediate family (parent or caregiver, sibling, child, spouse/domestic partner) Death Certificate or Obituary
Unforeseen medical incapacitation of the student or immediate family Signed letter from the student's medical professional on organizational letterhead verifying that: The student was medically unable to complete their courses or Family medical circumstances were at a severity that the student's presence was required away from school and precluded completion of the course
Involuntary call to Military Duty Written orders regarding call to Military Duty
Enrollment at another school for the same term as the appeal Proof of enrollment, transcript, schedule, or letter of enrollment from Registrar's Office at that College
Advising error by a College employee (Includes failure to meet course pre-requisites) Letters or emails providing proof that the student was misadvised or an employee created a processing error.

The Withdrawal Appeal Committee does NOT, under any circumstances, take phone calls or schedule appointments. All appeals MUST be submitted in writing. Please complete and submit application.


If you are a recipient of financial aid, you should discuss the implication of a Withdrawal Appeal with an Assistant Director in Student Financial Services so your decision will be based on a clear understanding of the consequences of withdrawing from courses. If a withdrawal appeal is approved, it may result in being required to return financial aid that has been disbursed to you prior to any change in your academic record.

Rematriculation After Dismissal

Students who are academically dismissed lose their matriculated status. They may appeal the dismissal through the Office of the Dean of Student Services. If the appeal is successful, the student is rematriculated and may resume full-time or part-time matriculated study.

If the dismissal is upheld, the student must meet one of three conditions in order to rematriculate: 1) Participate in a student success workshop and work with an assigned advisor/counselor; 2) Register for part-time studies for the next semester on a non-matriculated basis. If the student receives grades of C or better in six credits or more, he/she may then return to full-time or part-time matriculated study in the following semester; or 3) Register on a non-matriculated basis or remain non-enrolled for two semesters. The student may then reapply for full-time study (or part-time matriculated study) without meeting special conditions.

Dismissed students who have met the conditions for rematriculation must apply for rematriculation. Application for rematriculation should be initiated in the Office of Admissions. In all cases, the conditions specified to be rematriculated must have been satisfied or be in the process of being met at the time of application.

Students who are dismissed from either full- or part-time status and lose their matriculation are not eligible for financial aid from either federal or New York state sources.

If a student's dismissal is successfully appealed, her or his financial aid may still be in jeopardy due to a lack of satisfactory academic progress.