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American Statistical Association (ASA) Student Chapter

ASA students at Vassar

What is ASA?

ASA stands for American Statistical Association, which is a professional organization and the world’s largest community of statisticians.

ASA student chapters provide experience, education, and opportunities for those interested in the world of statistics and data analysis. DCC is the first and only community college with an ASA Student Chapter.

Why Join?

As a member of the DCC ASA Student Chapter, you’ll gain valuable experience for your resume and future career. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Learn the tools of the trade! You’ll receive instruction and get practice using professional statistical methods and data science tools, including RStudio.
  • Participate in data science competitions, such as DataFest @ Vassar, and mini-workshops to hone your skills.
  • Build your network of like-minded professionals and peers!

All DCC students (in any major!) are welcome. Check out this video showcasing the advantages of being part of the ASA community.

Where Can I Learn More?

Visit the DCC ASA Student Chapter Website for details about meetings, upcoming events and more!